Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 2 Paper 1

Module 2 Paper 1

Q You can turn in paper #1 early here below for early bonus points. Regarding turning in stuff here, you upload your file. I prefer that you have it done in WORD. I will not bother with anything in google or pdf. Paper #1 Sociology and Me. You will relate content from the first three (or so) chapters, my lectures, and our first video to yourself in a three page paper. This paper will be a formal typed, cover page, one inch borders, 12 size, double spaced, no extra space between paragraphs. left justified, appropriate English usage (spelling, grammar, paragraphing, organization, topic sentences, etc.), A.P.A. style (no abstract), reference section, etc. paper. Manuals on A.P.A. style are available at the bookstore and the library, and I will discuss some basics in class. Additional guidelines and evaluation criteria may be given later. Here is a step-by-step example of the midterm; Thoughts on my Profession-1.docx Actions REMEMBER, these papers are done in the spirit of and in place of midterm/final take-home exams. This assignment is officially due Feb 11, BUT you can turn it in early (up to Feb4) for 10 bonus points.

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My name is ***** and I am a 29 year old single mom of two young children who are my motivation for everything. I work 40+ hours a week for the corporate office of Wells Fargo and go to school at both ARC and SCC with the intentions of getting my BA in Administrative Justice and minor in Sociology so I can become a juvenile probation officer for Sacramento County. So far I am really enjoying everything about Sociology 300 and I feel as though I can relate to some of it. Especially the part about a sociologist by the name of C. Wright Mills argued more than 50 years ago that in the effort to think critically about the social world around us, we need to use our “sociological imagination”.